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Thanks to everyone regarding your comments on the list server
software. Lots of good points made. 

I'm currently looking into software options - what we are using isn't
that bad, but as Linda pointed out, it is not keeping up with current
technology. There are several things about the list and digest that
I'd like to improve. 

There's a commercial product by L-Soft that looks good - I need to
find out a little more about it, and see if I can justify it right now. It's
going to cost about $1K. I might be able to cost share it with our
other company, First Step. (EnduranceNet/Ridecamp has gone 'solo' 
so I can no longer sponge off the staff and resources of the First Step 
business  - I have to pay for staff and machine time that Endurance 
Net uses).

If I can't finagle a way to acquire a good commercial listserve product
at no cost, than I thought maybe we (Ridecamp) could pool our resources
to purchase it. If each of the 1000 subscribers donates $1, or if 10% of
you donate $10 then we'd have it covered. 

I still need to do more research, and probably won't know too much more
until after I get back from Dubai, so I'll update everyone later. 


your humble Ridecamp administrator,

Steph Teeter


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