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Re: It CAN happen to YOU!
Diane Nelson wrote:
> My friend was out cold for some time, then woozily got up, only to plop back down again, asking "What happened?". Help was summoned and she was taken to the hospital, x-rayed, etc. It was some time before she was able to focus and understand what had happened. The good news - she's fine. A footprint on her shoulder and bad bruises but NO head injury, no headache. The helmet was dented from the impact and will go back to the manufacturer as per standard practice.
I'm REALLY glad your friend is ok!!
However (Nurse on her soap box)
1 - anyone who is unconscious, has a change in level of consciousness
(woozy, confused, loss of memory, change in personality, combative or
argumentative), sick to their stomach, change in the rate that their
pupils constrict or they constrict unequally, any headache - HAS
2 - Recent findings are that head injuries are cumulative. One little
injury may not be bad, but lots add up. (Researchers looked at football
players, boxers, and jumpers/3 day eventers.)
Don't be fooled into thinking that no head injury was sustained. Even
if there is no fracture, bleeding in the head, etc. the brain is rocked
about in the skull by the sudden impact. This bruises the brain and can
tear the meninges (coverings over the brain) EVEN WITH A HELMET! The
helmet stops the more severe (read deadly) head injuries.
Folks should be closely watched after a fall - not allowed to go home
alone. A small bleed into the head may not be immediately apparent,
even with CT/MRI scans. Hours later, the accumulated blood can cause
grave symptoms. Ask the hospital/MD what signs to look for in this
After my head injury, the scans were negative in the ER & I was cleared
to go home. Late that night, the slow bleeding finally caused enough
pressure that I had irreversible damage! (Me to husband - "What do you
mean by your pupils look funny? What do you mean by speak more
clearly?") Thank god my husband was there to check on me frequently!
**Off Soap Box**
Linda Flemmer
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