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Re: Helmets for the dingbat moments
connie B Berto wrote:
> I have no illusions as to what would have happened to
> my skull had I not been wearing that helmet. BTW, I threw it out and
> bought a new one, which is advised when you have a hard fall on it.
Connie has an important point here! There can be micro-cracks in the helmet
that aren't visible to casual inspection. These cracks can weaken the
ability of the helemt to offer protection. Don't use a helemt that's taken a
hard hit. Also, don't buy a used helmet - you don't know what type of impact
& stress it has had in its lifetime.Actually, some companies will inspect the
helemt and replace it for a nominal fee. My husband has a Troxel that
skidded on dirt and rocks recently (with him in it). The company said send
it in! It is an older version from when they still offered FREE lifetime
impact replacements. The rep hesitated a moment, then said send it in along
with the copy of the warrantee. This will be the third helmet we've had to
send back after accidents in the last 6 years. They aren't speedy, but they
do exchange them. We happen to wear the same size, so we each have a helmet
and one spare for times like this.
I had a bad fall some years ago (horse landed on me after her front feet fell
through a furry little animal's tunnel and she flipped at a hard gallop).
The helmet cracked in half we landed so hard. I have no recollection of that
day - AT ALL. (Maybe why I still ride.) I had brain and optic nerve damage
in addition to the expected broken ribs and sore body. I feel like I was one
lucky gal, though since I wore my helmet that day. After that, my tack
business sold helemts at cost so that nobody would say that they couldn't
afford them. You can't afford to NOT have them.
Linda Flemmer
Who works and rides again after rehab, but still has trouble finding and
saying words in conversations (expressive asphasia)
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