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        To everyone who sent us directions to Hahira,  a big THANK YOU!
        This was an investigatory trip (as well as to volunteer).
Some time late on Thursday, I got a really bad case of DIMR and withdrawal,
since my mare has been off for 3 months now.  Since I had just gotten back
the weekend before from Longleaf, and
was truly depressed at having no horse to ride, I called Brenda Joeffroy to
see what she was up to. All I did was briefly mention that I'd love to go to
River Run just to "check it out", and she jumped on it.  Since neither of us
had been there, we figured,  "why not"?
          We had a great time.  Everyone there was very friendly and we saw
some fantastic horses.
This ride is fast and flat.  From what everyone said, it is slways well
organized, well marked and 
everyone always has a good time.  The food was plentiful and very good, too.  
           Thanks again for all the helpful directions everyone sent us,
and to the Linahan's and all those great people who support this ride.
` | \____\\
 _(      ) \    Charlene Bartholomae
 \-\~~~_|\  \     Department of Pathology
 `  \ `   \  `       Tulane Regional Primate Research Center
                               18703  Three Rivers Road.
    `     `            Covington, Louisiana  70433
                          e-mail:    (504)892-2040 Ext 243
                          home phone (504)748-4377

    Check it Out!    

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