Angela C. McGhee wrote:
> My gripe with the Big Horn is that the stirrups are too far forward, so
> you end up in a chair position and have a sore back from trying to lean
> forward to get your feet under you. Leather bridles get stiff pretty
> quickly if you're a compulsive sponger. The leather breast collar won't
> last long under that sort of abuse either.
I have to agree with Angie 100% here. Most western-style saddles that I have
ridden in were made for a function so far removed from endurance that they
were a real hindrance. All of the stirrups were too far forward for a good,
balanced position. Look at folks trying to two point in a western saddle
with the stuirrups too far forward. Their legs are in front of them, their
but sticks way out in back, and they shove their upper body forward and down
to counter balance. Then they wonder why their back bothers them at the end
of the ride!
As to rotting out leather with sponging - absolutely. Alos, I HATE cleaning
lots of little leather straps on bridles. Give me dunk and go cleaning of
biothane any day!
> My recommendations on tack are, buy a good quality used saddle. They
> won't depreciate much at all...
Yep! I splurged for my birthday a few years ago and bought a brand spanking
new saddle - my first ever new saddle. Believe me, it wasn't worth the extra
$900 I ended up spending. (Great saddle, I wouldn't give it up for the
world, but I spent too much for it compared to buying a used one.)
> I like Marilynn Horstmeyer's biothane bridle & running martingale...the
> Ortho-Flex neoprene crupper (Griffin's has a cheaper one that looks
> pretty good), Griffin's 8' nylon reins with regular buckels on the end,
> and a Toklat wool pad.
I'm using a Orthoflex Express Lite on a HUGE arab with enough back to
accomodate the long panels on a OF. Toklat Woolback pad. OF neoprene girth
(best quality neoprene that I've found). Biothane as carried by Sport Tack
and Australian Connection. I pad the breast collar's strap over the withers
with a snip off of an old woolback pad since Rocket was still being rubbed a
little there, despite the biothane. I use the rubberized web tailing reins
from the above companies with biothane from the neck to the bit - offer great
grip & they're as tough as nails. I use a merino wool full saddle cover from
Plush Bottoms. Last (but definitely not least) I use Trail Tech stirrups to
help with bad knees. (Surgery only helped me so much.)
> By the way, a 4 3/4" bit usually fits and Arab better than the standard
> 5".
Ah Ha! Tea cup headed arab snobbery!! My purebred Polish Arab needs a 5"
bit (could use a 5 1/4") when he is bitted. (He usually works in a
mechanical hackamore.) His head isn't plain, but it isn't tiny and dainty
where people go OOOOH! AAAHH! Oh well. The last teacup arab I had was a
pain to fit in bridles. Even the cob or arab sizes were too big. I ended up
with custom tack for her.
> I like a full cheek snaffle, and put those little bit holders on to
> keep it in the right position.
An awful lot of folks don't use those with a full cheek snaffle and they make
such a difference! I think you defeat the purpose of a full cheek without
them as the bit and cheek pieces rotate out of alignment without them. The
only problem that I could possibly see with using biothane is that biothane
doesn't break. If the horse hangs a cheek piece up on something, the bit
can't rotate and give like it could if there was no keeper or if it was
leather that broke. Maybe I'm just looking to make up trouble :-)
Every horse I have ever competed with has needed some different tack set up.
The one common denominator is BUY QUALITY. Inferior tack irritates, breaks
down with the use that endurance puts it to, or irritates the horse & rider
in some way.
BTW - Just when I think that I've found THE perfect combination, the next
horse disagrees with some part of it. (PLEASE - just don't let it be the
saddle!!!!!!!! I was on the Great Saddle Hunt just 3 years ago. It's still
too soon!)
Linda Flemmer