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RE: Biothane bit holders
Teddy doesn't list them in her catalog, but she'll make them for you.
Cindy Eyler
At 06:36 AM 11/15/98 -0600, marilyn wiese wrote:
>> By the way, a 4 3/4" bit usually fits and Arab better than the standard
>> 5". I like a full cheek snaffle, and put those little bit holders on to
>> keep it in the right position. There's a biothane dealer in Florida who
>> makes them out of biothane. You usually have to deal with leather.
>Hi Angie, how can I contact the biothane dealer who makes the bit holders?
>I bought some, realized I didn't know what to do with them :) found out
>what to do with them, and then realized I had lost them somewhere in the
>house, barn, garage, who knows where! So this would be the perfect excuse
>to get biothane ones to go with my biothane headstall. Do you have a # or
>address for the dealer?
>Thanks, Marilyn and Khal and Scout in San Angelo, TX
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