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Re: Iraq & the WEC
I don't know a thing about military strategy, but Saddam is already
politically isolated with virtually no allies among the other nations,
especially since they too are all potential targets for
biological/chemical weapons. It seems to me that the worst possible
move he could make strategically would be to arbitrarily attack a
multi-national group of horses and riders, totally unrelated to the
Iraqi issues, even if in retaliation to a U.S. military strike. I can't
think of a faster way for him to get himself promptly blown right off
the map by every country with the military capabilities---which he's
right on the edge of, anyway. Saddam may be a madman, but he's not dumb
when it comes to political manuevering and posturing.
Just my .02, of course.
Susan G
> > While it's a respectable distance, Iraq it is still the middle east. Any
> > thoughts as to how the latest upset in Iraq may affect the WEC?
> >
> > Susan Swope
> > SE Region
> > Kentucky
> Hi all,
> here in Germany we think about the possibility of a total cancellation
> of that event. Remember, there is only a distance of about 500 km
> between Iraq and the UAE. If someone is trying out chemical or even
> heavier weapons, the jetstream will bring all those "goodies" directly
> towards the UAE. It could be a big risk for people as well as for the
> horses. But because I am crew-member of the German team, I hope that it
> is going to a peaceful solution there in Iraq. The worst thing to happen
> is a war just beginning when everybody has arrived in Dubai.
> Let's pray (maybe someone has a close contact to Mr. Clinton - please
> tell him "No attack before the 17th of December").
> Hope to meet some of you in Dubai,
> Wolfgang
> Germany
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