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>Tried my first hundred at Long Leaf this past weekend. I was riding my
horse Majik (for those of you who don't know us I'm the 23 year old
blonde from Chattanooga,
Yes, and Kati was very respectful of the veterans. She didn't even
interupt Jim Wiseman as he began telling his FOURTH very old blond joke
to her. I think Majik may have been lamed by Kati squeezing him too hard
with her legs while having to listen Jim's blond jokes, possibly a
bruised rib.
>must say that Majik took it all in stride.
I'll say. This horse was an absolute food & water vaccuam. His attitude
when we came up to muck buckets of water with a circle of endurance
horses staring at it while their riders begged them to drink, was "Get
out of my way and let me show you how to drink" SLUUUURRRRP" No more
Think I'll just pull the critter's shoes
>for 6
>weeks and try another hundred in the spring.
Bump, bump, bump...another one bites the dust!
>The ride at Long Leaf was a first hundred milers dream
I'd like to point out that Kati missed out on the fateful riding after
dark. :-/
>no sweat though, I was
>with Angie McGhee).
Who noticed that the ride manager's daughter was in the ride and had the
sense to follow her like a caboose until she got pulled.
>I highly recommend to anyone out there who has never tried a 100 and
>wants to
>that they need to talk Angie into pacing them.
Yep. See what a good job I did for Kati? It was a great 70 miles,
She is fun to ride with
>doesn' t carry a whip or anything crazy like that.
Kati, did you have a bad experience you'd like to describe for our
friends? >eg<
I really had a fun time K.Walker
O. K. guys. Here's the word. She's blond, she's a featherweight,
...she's 23...she's got no kids or ex-husbands....she's fast...she'd be
impressed by a nice trailer... >beg< (I'd say her mom approves of this
announcement and Kati is now running screaming through the house. :-)
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