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Re: winter trailering
Avoid driving in snow and black ice like the plague!! Barring that, if at all
possible, do not drive while a new blanket of snow is being dropped because
even if you are driving great, the other idiots out there are sliding around,
crashing into everything including you. If you wait till the snow has fallen,
the roads will already have been plowed and/or graveled.
If you cannot wait that long, make sure you carry chains not only for your
vehicle but also a couple tires on your trailer. Make sure you have all kinds
of emergency stuff in case you do get stuck, i.e. flashlight, emergency
flashers, cell phone, space blanket or similair to keep you warm.
As far as your horse goes, just make sure that air flow is minimum, just
enough to keep him/her/them from overheating and try to avoid it blowing
directly on them, i.e. open the back window only. If your horse is used to
being outside, you do not need to blanket him unless you cannot avoid a lot of
cold air blowing into the trailer. The heaviness of the blanket will depend
on air flow in trailer, how cold it is, how many hroses in the trailer and as
previously stated, does he have a winter coat (natural) or not.
Just a little help from a fellow Pacific Northwesterner.
Lori and Keno (the brat)
Vancouver, Washington
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