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Longleaf Corrections

I've had some sleep and noticed a couple of things about Long Leaf I left

I wasn't 2:15 behind Marilynn, I was 3:15 or something like that.  I
think her time was something like 11:45 and mine was about 15 hrs.

Didn't want to sound like I "gave" 5th to Gail.  Hey, her horse has
finished Old Dominion, I just agreed not to TRY and get 5th.  She, being
from the Houston area, stood up for Lynda Corry on the sponging debate. 
Unfortunately there wasn't any reason to sponge by the time of day I was
riding with her (not that there were any puddles), so I didn't get to
show off my technique.

Forgot to mention the nice awards.  Got a director's chair for top 10,
and a T-shirt & bucket for completion.  Very nice.  Also, management had
done a good job of putting out water, since the trail was pretty much
bone dry.  Really appreciated that.

When I said the vet said, "he looks better than anything else we've seen"
didn't mean to put down the other 5 ahead of me.  Actually, I think the
reason she looked so puzzled like, "why is this horse soo different?" was
that I was the only one sponging all day.  Kaboot was comparatively clean
and fluffy and everybody else had streaks of dried up salt all over them.
 Looked pretty rough.  I've got a heck of a case of chapped hands from
sponging in the cold...but he needed it, winter coat and all.  Of course,
I doubt Lynda would have..:-)

Guess everybody wonders what could have been hard about a perfectly flat
course.  Yes the trails were great, but there was lots and lots of
hardpacked road.  I heard the number 36 mi. at one point, not sure if
that's right.  All I know is that I saw some horses that look great at
most rides that looked like this had taken an awful lot out of them.  

Angie (with lips so chapped I can feel my pulse in them...)
& Kaboot (with nice tight legs.)

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