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Fwd: Kansas Horses need homes URGENT

Anybody  able to help????

---Camilla Maluotoga <CamMalu@AOL.COM> wrote:
> Don't know if anyone can help these people out there but I wanted to
pass this
> along.  It came from another list.    Camilla
> However, there is another situation you may be interested in....About
> 6 weeks ago, 240 horses were found starving in a dry lot about 1 hr
> of here, in Miami County, KS...The Humane Soc and Horse Aide and
Univ of
> KS Vet school all went and "triaged" and sorted and treated and tested
> for EIA and had to put 21 of them down...(nothing contagious,
> beyond the point of saving).....I had signed up as an adopter ONLY for
> the ones they got down to that no one would want....All available for
> adoption
> were young and healthy, as all others had been put down that were not
> salvageable.......The
> head of the Humane Soc called me today, and they have 200 left, winter
> is coming, many, many mares are ready to foal soon, many babies in the
> group, their donated hay is running out, they have NO shelter, not
> a dry place to lay down.....They have all been vac, wormed, feet
> treated for whatever minor ailments/injuries they had, coggins tested,
> health certificates for each one with a medical history/age/etc from 6
> weeks ago, they are ready to go....they have not been handled a lot,
> when being treated and examined....they are all bay colored being
> horses/ponies, range in size from 13 to 14.2 hands.......the group
is asking
> 100 dollars adoption fee to cover all the vac and meds and papers
and that
> also includes Horse Aide registration and freeze brand......these
> need homes now, they only have a lot with piles of manure and mud, the
> mares have no place to foal.....I am going out there Sunday and take
> most critically close to foaling ones, hoping to qualify as a
"foster home"
> only until some other arrangement can be made....I have stalls and a
> monitored
> barn, we can foal out 3-4 at a time if we need to.....If you or anyone
> you know can help these poor animals, this is one of if not the
> group of abused horses in history, and the rescue groups are running
> of resources.....The number is:
> 1-913-397-9770, if after hours, this number rings into the HS
> Jodie Kleiner, she has 2 lines and call waiting.....This is a feel
good thing,
> any home will be a better one than they have......Please passalong
if you
> will, thanks much.....

sandy lundberg

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