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Re: Horse stealing a felony in Prop. 6?

>OK Happy,  the point is moot now, but  will you please copy to me the
>EXACT LANGUAGE, the PRECISE SECTION,  of Prop. 6 that makes horse
>stealing a felony?   FYI, the text of Prop. 6 is printed on page 97 of
>the Calif. Voter Pamphlet.   Please respond.  Connie B.

The only thing that becomes a felony under Prop. 6 is that it is now
"unlawful for any person to possess, to import into or export from the
state, or to sell, buy, give away, hold, or accept any horse with the
intent of killing, or having another kill, that horse, if that person knows
or should have known that any part of that horse will be used for human
consumption".  Also ". . . No restaurant, cafe, or other eating place may
offer horsemeat for human consumption."

The ONLY thing Prop 6 affects is humans eating horsemeat -- thieves in
California can still steal horses and as long as they sell them to the
*canners*, that's cool -- Prop 6 doesn't affect them.  But if one of my
horses breaks a leg and I choose to quickly dispatch it and put it in the
freezer rather than add the carcass to our almost full landfill I would go
to state prison for a minimum of 16 months (up to 36) -- unless I convinced
people that the meat would only get fed to my dogs!

I could *sell* a few ounces of marijuana for human consumption and incur
less penalties than if I *gave away* a horse for human consumption!!

Meanwhile all the abuses that can occur in transporting and butchering
horses can continue unchecked -- as long as the horses are going to be made
into pet food!

Prop 6 is a real classic . . .

-- Lynn K. (Santa Ynez, CA)
   Sage Hill NATRC Ride:  

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