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Re: Satellite photos of trails
> >Nicco Murphy
> >My study wall is covered in 6x6 mosaics of these things.
> >
> >http://terraserver.microsoft.com/
Bad, bad, bad, Nicco. Now I haven't done any work for two days.
Presently thinking about printing out the stretch between Sliger
Mine Road (just south of Poverty Bar Tevis crossing) to hw-49/
No Hands bridge, to figure out the myriad of trails in there...
Hey, one could do the entire Tevis trail in aerial pics - if you
happened to have tons of free time. Perhaps that's a project for
the winter...
and Lynn Kinsky wrote:
> Between the terraserver
> photos and Topo! software to map trails and get mileages trailmaster work
> is getting high tech!
What? Topo! software? what is it? This has got to sort out
a long running argument about lengths of trail:
Me: "That has got to be at least five miles we just rode..."
Ann Blankenship: "No, we've only come about a mile..."
Me: "Agh! Really? :( "
> -- Lynn K. (Santa Ynez, CA)
Hey Lynn. We came though the Santa Ynez valley (hw-154) at
the weekend. Can you ride in the Rec Area? If so, I'm planning
my trip now... beautiful. Is there any water on the trail?
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull - elsie@calweb.com
Repotted english person in Sacramento, CA
with Mouse and Provo
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