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Re: Requirements for a GOOD CREW

Dear Potato (no-"e"),
     Far be it from me to argue with the winner of the Tevis cup!!!  Okay,
I'll tell my girlfriend's husband he can't use that "Can't Remember Everything
Woman" excuse anymore when he crews for her.  He'll be glad to know.  Well,
she will, anyway.  Thanks for enlightening me! <G>

Trish & pretty David, TNG
Grand Blanc, Michigan

 Actually  CREW stands for  C- crazy R-riders E- endless W- Waiting
 Potato (no-"e") right!
 >Dear Angie and Potato, (no "e?")
 >     What's all this?  Hey, I thought CREW simply stood for Can't 
 >Everything Woman.  Let's not make this thing more complicated than it 
 need be.
 >Trish and pretty David, TNG >>

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