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Re: Horse Height & Bone
I, like you and alot of the folks on "ridecamp", note CBC on endurance
prospects, mine and others.
I do not "discount" the validity of CBC as a harbinger of soundness
potential "down the trail". I believe in the correlation.
However, I've yet to see you address the "dryness" of associated
tendons. It has been my experience, in "walking" tendons in my fingers, that
horses do exist with large CBC's and appear to have "good" front legs. But
when properly "walking" the tendons one discovers a "meatiness" to the tendon
sheat and a rigidity that is unyielding and a precursor to future tendinitis,
etc. Frequently, these same horses show soft tissues tears and scar tissue
adhesions associated with a variety of causes,i.e., conformation, improper
"legging up", etc.
By the same token, I have "walked" the tendons of some horses (Arabs)
with relatively small CBC (in relation to overall body mass) and found their
tendons to be dry, clean and when "walked", evincing no soft tissue
weaknesses. (Hard like cable.) IMO, these same horses (with relatively
small CBC) go on and perform quite well in endurance.
I will continue to note CBC, but believe going a step or two further
is prudent in evaluating front legs relative to endurance potential.
Best regards,
Frank Solano.
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