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Re: Mag. ox.
vvarney wrote:
> Has any one ever heard of using magnesium oxide ( about one oz per day ) to
> help settle down a really flighty horse that totally over reacts to
> everything? Have any of you had any experience using it? Thanks. And
> thanks also for the great ideas you all sent to help with LEAKY TRAILER.
> I'm sure I can fix it now.
> Vicki
I haven't heard of magnesium, but other things you might consider is
excessive protein, especially alfalfa, reaction to soluble carbohydrates
in grains, or sometimes a reaction to specifically oats---there's a
particular protein in oats (only) that a few horses react to in an
almost allergic reaction, including in hyperactivity. If your horses is
getting alot or either alfalfa or grain, you might try cutting way back
on the alfalfa, or trying a different type of grain, such as barley
and/replacing replacing some of the grain ration with corn oil, which
don't cause the glycemic responses that grains do.
Good luck,
Susan G
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Mag. ox.
- From: VMAXEPT Roger Rittenhouse <vmaxept@cococo.net>
- References:
- Mag. ox.
- From: "vvarney" <vvarney@megalink.net>
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