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Re: The Perfect Saddle
Laney,.. I ride anywhere I can from my backyard (Tevis trail) to the
desert of Dubai and all over Europe. I still want to ride in S Africa
and Australia/NewZealand. I like the Survival because it has a nice
knee roll and it fits the horse I ride the most real good (the one I won
Tevis on this year). When I ride as I did this year on Tevis I like to
keep it simple. I use three things a Saddle, headset which is a simple
small bosal or even a Peralli halter, and a breast collar, My cinch is
normally so loose that other riders warn me to tighten it.
I normally don't carry water as the stops are hardly more then 25 miles
apart and I don't carry beer because I can't stand all the foam from the
jiggling. Perhaps of all the things I do carry most often it would be
red wine. However after getting "delayed" one time on the Outlaw trail
for 9 hours with MJ Jackson I do carry water if the stops are more then
35 miles apart. The podium saddle is somewhat of a novelty to me, I
have 4 of them because they are light and easy to carry.
>Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 07:36:55 -0800
>To: "Potato RICHARDSON" <potator@hotmail.com>
>From: Laney Humphrey <laneyh@mbay.net>
>Subject: Re: The Perfect Saddle
>Hi Potato!
> Thanks twice: for replying to my question and for your post re prop.
>I've changed my vote to a no.
> Can you take time to give me specifics about what you like about your
>Survival and the Podium? Or a saddle or type of saddle you like least
>contrast? Does where you ride (mountains I presume) have anything to
>with what you like? Do you carry a lot of stuff with you? If so,
where do
>you keep it?
> Thanks again!, Laney
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