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Re: NO on Prop. 6

Steve,.  I know years ago about a horse buyer that bought anything that 
was less then a few hundred bucks because he would take them to the 
auction and make a few bucks additional.   I never felt bad that he 
would do what the current owners were unwilling to do!  Lets face it an 
unwanted "pet" and thats what they are treated like when they are owned 
by certain mentalities, is better off that way and so is the rest of us 
who enjoy our "pets".
>Subject: Re: NO   on   Prop. 6
>Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 06:25:11 -0800
>No one has mentioned the capture and sale of the Mustangs by (BLM 
>and unscrupless horse buyers that buy you critter and then drive to the
>auction. There have also been reports of horses dissapearing and just 
>being seen again. Except unknowly in the buther or grocery stores. 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: connie B Berto <>
>To: <>
>Cc: <>
>Date: Monday, November 02, 1998 1:15 AM
>Subject: NO on Prop. 6
>>Potato, I posted to Ridecamp several weeks ago with the same message 
>>did -- NO, No, no  on Prop. 6!!    It is  another layer of 
>>beaurocracy.   It's pushed by some bleeding hearts with more money 
>>sense (heirs to Long Drugstore fortunes).   It addresses situations 
>>don't exist, and completely ignores REAL issues, such as:  Humane
>>treatment of horses bound for slaughter for cat and dog food;   Humane
>>and quick dispatch of those unfortunates;   Tighter inspections of 
>>ownership at high-volume horse sales and auctions;   Increased 
>>for horse theft.
>>       I don't know how or why  the Calif. State Horsemen's 
>>should have been suckered into supporting this, except that Gini
>>Richardson is their Legislative  Chair.   I intent to write CSHA;
>>several horsegroups to which I belong get insurance from CSHA (and
>>therefore must be members).   With dumb initiatives like this, no 
>>people don't take equestrians seriously.
>>    BTW --- congratulations on your win at Tevis!    I followed it on 
>>website this year, for the first time, and what a kick!     Thanks for
>>your  post.   Cheers,  (;-), Connie B.
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