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Re: WEC:Deep sand/High Humidity
To settle this matter somewhat. I was there last
year...and I will tell you it was humid...not as
bad as Florida can be, but as bad as it usually is
for, say, the Old Dominion. And, yes, everything
shuts down from 1 PM to 5 PM. Everyone takes a
nap or sits in an air conditioned restaurant.
Even the banks are closed.
As far as the sand goes...just like here: if it is
packed, it's not bad, if you ride dunes, it is
knee deep. The course sounds like a variety of
both. I am sure it will be a challenge.
It was indeed a challenge to keep horses
hydrated. TONS of ice water and eletrolytes. I am
sure it will be much the same this year.
Visions of the Wind wrote:
> Truman, From another who has ridden both areas
> (and down to Tucson AZ), there are areas of sand
> out west that put what I encountered in Ocala
> and Southern Georgia to shame! It all depends on
> where you ride! I also found out (the HARD way)
> that the deep sand in Tucson is sometimes
> quicksand!!! I sure hope they don't have THAT at
> the WEC!:-) Stephanie McCrayGolden CO
> (transplant from Clemson -> Tucson -> Golden :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Truman Prevatt
> <truman.prevatt@netsrq.com>
> To: ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Date: Saturday, October 31, 1998 5:36
> PM
> Subject: Re: WEG:Deep sand/High
> Humidity
> Oh Puleeese, I have ridden in southern
> Utah and that is not fine sand.
> I have to chuckle when people talk
> about sand. You want sand come to
> the Ocala national forest. I've ride
> both areas and there is no
> comparison. If it ain't hock deep it
> ain't sand.
> Truman
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