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Re: Biotin Plus by Paragon with or without Yucca????

Hey Marilyn,

I don't know if Paragon makes Biotin Plus w/o yucca---but yucca contains
naturally-occurring salicylates, which is aspirin.

Rather than putting alot of effort into finding Biotin Plus w/o the
yucca, or spending alot more money feeding one of the other biotin
supplements that already don't have yucca in them, it might be easier to
just stop feeding it a week before a ride.  I don't know what the
half-life is specifically, but B-P doesn't contain much yucca, and even
less salicylate, so I would think a week is plenty of time for it to

Susan G

marilyn wiese wrote:
> I have been giving my two young gelding Biotin Plus Equine Formula by
> Paragon which I get from KV Vet Supply.  The ingredients mention Yucca,
> which is a plant and which I believe is not supposed to be in your horse's
> system during an endurance competition.  My guys are not even 4 yet so they
> are just 'pre limited distance and then on to endurance someday' kind of
> guys  :)  Do I understand correctly that there is a Biotin Plus by Paragon
> that does not have Yucca in it?  And is the Yucca that is in the Biotin
> Plus, that my guys are getting now, a drug?  I know that I got the idea to
> use Biotin Plus from this list.....when do I stop giving it to my horse if
> he shouldn't have it to compete or what product (specific brand name) do I
> use instead? I am in no way trying to get 'ahead' of another ride entrant by
> feeding my guys a certain way....what I am trying to do is plan their
> nutrition, health care, and whatever I do to them, in such a way as to keep
> them healthy.
> Thanks, Marilyn and Khal and Scout in San Angelo, TX

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