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Re: Farriers Formula

Trish,   I have used the Horse Guard for the past 15 years and have had
very good results with it.
My horses are 1700lbs and 1800lbs so I give 1 and 1/2 scoops aday.
One of my horses is a European Thoroughbred and has very thin soles and
bruises easily.  So I give him the Biotin from the Horse Guard company
also and he grows much more hoof and doesn't bruise as easily.  He gets
2 scoops aday.  Since he does so well on the Biotin,  I also give it to
all the horses. They have very shiny coats and grow nice hooves.

So everybody in my barn gets both the products,  and I think they are
very good.

Rebecca--Underwood Enterprizes--1-541-826-9668--Oregon
Home of the Treeless Saddle and other quality horse/mule/donkey and pet

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