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Ft. Valley Rides
Anyone who didn't go to Ft. Valley this past weekend missed a great
time! The weather could not have been better if it had been made to
order. The leaves were at their peak and the views from Kennedy Peak
were gorgeous. Stephanie Muncy deserves a big applaud for her great job
of ride manager. To manage that many concurrent rides (150/100/50/25LD
and 25 Ride & Tie) was quite a feat and everything went quite smoothly.
The trails were marked wonderfully-not even us ride & tiers who were
constantly looking down at the rocks while running could miss the
trail! It was quite a challenging trail, but oh so nice. We all had a
great time. Hope to see more people trying the Ride & Ties next time.
They really are fun-not nearly as hard as everyone makes them out to be.
Doris Kulp in Maryland
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