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bring the kids!
If endurance ever gets snooty enough to make families unwelcome then hell
should freeze over! Bring the family and as long as most enjoy "camping" you
should have a blast. Be sure to let ride management know you are new to the
sport and be ready to ask lots of questions. Be aware that only one meal is
provided at either the pre-ride meeting or at the awards ceremony after the
ride (usually). You can always buy extra tickets for meals (better to do this
before ride day) or bring your own food if you want to keep down the cost.
After reading Heidi's post you should get the idea that endurance riding is
nothing if not family friendly!! I thought it couldn't get much tougher than
ride manager AND head vet! Now adding baby-sitter to the title will scare
away any sissies that thought they could handle putting on a ride!
Good luck and hope you choose to give endurance riding a try.
Melanie in AZ
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