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Re: Trailer opinons wanted
In a message dated 10/25/98 10:28:36 AM EST, mabbott@oro.net writes:
<< ) Aluminum vs. Steel: The steel Trails West ran about $3,000 cheaper
and had more storage. I'm sure my 3/4 ton Chevy 4x4 diesel could pull
just about anything, so I don't think weight is an issue. I've heard pros
& cons re: aluminum. One credible source has told me that the wood floor
in the steel trailer absorbs more shock for the horses. My boyfriend
says he can weld in various amenities. But, the steel trailer will take
more care in the long run, and, I am told, the aluminum would hold its
value. What do you think?
****Is $ meaningful to you? I like steel trailers, I know I am in the
minority,but, I have found that steel trailers do not need alot of extra care.
The floors are easily replaced as needed (not often), you can weld extra
features easily, etc.
2) Mangers vs. no mangers: Would you prefer mangers for feed, etc., (and
the wonderful benefit of storage underneath), or no mangers? What are
the pros & cons of this?
*****I say, get all the storage you can manage, any way you can manage!
3) Double doors in the back vs. a large single door (if you had no rear
tack). What do you think would be best?
****I like the single door with the rear tack, even if you have a mid-tack. If
you don't want a rear tack, use the double doors. My big trailer has a large
single door and it is difficult to get the last horse in and out safely.
4) Is it OK to go without an escape door in the first stall?
*****One of the main reasons folks get a three horse trailer is to use the
first stall for storage. Get the escape door. It makes it much easier to get
to your stuff.
5) And, last but not least, how tall should the trailer be? Besides
considering the horses, do you folks with goosenecks actually sit up in
the beds and read, etc.?
****7 foot or 7.5 feet is best, the taller, the better.
***Also, I have found that in order to get a real shower, you have to get the
whole Living Quarters thing. This is mucho $$$$$. If you choose to downgrade
and get just a dressing room, get a door installed between the dressing room
and the first stall. I camped with this arrangement for years and liked it. We
fixed the first stall as our bathroom. Solar shower, portapotty, everything.
It worked great.
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