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Re: Probiotics and body temperature

I won't get into gut flora, but the low body temp thing
got me to thinking about parasites.

My husband (don't tell him I wrote this!) contracted some
bizzare, non-giardia parasite several years ago.  He was
quite ill for a long time.  We went through 12 doctors
and... ewww... lots of tests.  To make a long story short,
he found out that one of the side affects of having
parasites is a low body temp.  No kidding.

I would look at the worming program for these horses.
Both unthriftyness and low body temp are possible
indications of parasites.  Wouldn't that be interesting...

Oh, and the other thing we found out is sometimes you
need to get rid of the parasites before feeding pro-
biotics... some parasites just feed on the "good bugs".

:) - Kat Myers
in San Mateo, CA with Magnum the TB ex-racer
and Mr Maajistic... aka "Blue"

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