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Re: Competing in easy boots

Kristi: I competed a mustang in Easy Boots for two yrs. I really liked doing
this because I could vary the boots to the terrain. ie: no boots for sandy,
nice trails. Front boots only for trails with only limited rocks, all four for
the worse of rocky trails. One warning: YOU CAN PUT THEM ON TOO TIGHT	I did
this on the mustang's last ride, the boots compressed his heels and restricted
blood flow, all kinds of bad stuff. On that last ride, he popped a splint. He
was rested for 3 months, then back to easy trail rides with friends. Dead lame
after each ride. Diagnosis: inflammation of the coffin Bone. Years later, I
still can ride him only once per week, at the walk, he is only pasture sound.
I've done everything but nerve blocks. So Be Careful to always use the same
tension on the e-boot. I put them on one notch tighter for that fateful ride
back in 1996!
Leigh Preddy SE

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