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Pawnee Grasslands II

Best Rookie Ride Manager of the Year - Lisa Ashbach!

Lisa did an absolutely fantastic job taking over the Pawnee 
Grasslands II ride previously managed by Brad Patterson.  I am sure 
Brad was a big help to Lisa and can share in this success.

Lisa is now very popular with volunteers and vets especially.  Why?  
Well let us say the weather was less than perfect - a whole lot less! 
Cold, rain (no snow at least) and the usual prairie wind. The sun 
didn't come out until the last couple hours of the 50 mile ride.   
But we did not have to huddle in our respective vehicles exiting only 
and begrudgingly to P&R horses.  Lisa had erected a large tent.  And 
she had propane heaters.  It was fantastic.  Not only did we ward off 
frost bite, but it provided a great gathering place and a place to 
eat.  This made for a very social ride.  Sure was nice to have a dry, 
windless place to do registration.  And one of the heaters was 
strategically placed behind the registration desk.  Hmmm.  Now I 
wonder who thought of that?

29 brave souls showed up to ride 15, 30 or 50 miles.  A few more 
would have made it if their trailer hadn't broken down.  To all you 
sissies <g> who chickened out - you missed a great time!

I will leave it too Lisa to post ride results (cuz I don't know) and 
some riders to tell you what it was like out on the trail.  But from 
what I saw of the action, everyone had a agreat time!

Congratulations, Lisa!

Linnea - ride secretary,etc.

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