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new NW ride, we hope

My local Back Country Horseman's group (northern Idaho) was considering
hosting an endurance ride here next year... the original proposers of the idea
have gotten busy with other things in their lives and dropped it, but I'd
really like to see it fly!  There is a fellow in the group who occasionally
competes and is very gung-ho to make it happen also, plus two other women who
like me are inexperienced as far as actual competing goes but are willing to
help, so at least we have a beginning core group of four to get things

The best site seems to be Schweitzer Mountain, a ski resort area near
Sandpoint ID, way up in the panhandle roughly 60 miles from Canada.  They have
a large dirt parking area with lots of room for many trailers and turning
around, many miles of trails with easy vehicle access to nearly all of them
(for east vet checks during the ride), and water supply hydrants all over the
place (because they have to sometimes manufacture snow if nature isn't
providing enough).  Up here, the ride would have to take place in July or
August for the best chance of nice weather.

I would love to hear from *anyone* regarding hints, tips, gotta-haves, nice-
to-haves, etc. on any aspect of a ride, whether from a manager's or
competitor's point of view!  I would really like to know the approximate
number of entrants in NW rides if anyone has that info.  Thanks in advance,
and please reply privately so as not to clutter this board :-)

"Ready" aka Karen Bratcher and Bender 
Hayden ID

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