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Re: AERC BYLAW Changes

Am I missing a page from the Endurance News?  Nowhere on MY sample ballot
is there anything about changing the definitoin of an LD ride from 25-35
miles to 0-49.

AND, if what Randy says is true about being concerned about 4 year olds in
49 mile LD rides, then why change Section 1(6) about rides of 50 miles or
more, why not just change Section 2(3) and leave 1(6) alone?

Also, it is of note that there is an error in PROPOSAL 3 on the ballot as
it states that Section 2(3) of the By-laws currently reads, "The ride must
be open to all breeds of equines at least 48 months of age."  when in
actuality Section 2(3) reads "The ride must be open to all breeds AND
TYPES of equines at least 48 months of age."

Nitpicky, I know, but an error just the same.  It is (for me) interesting
to note that section 1(6) DOES read "The ride must be open to all breeds
of equines at least 60 months of age."  which, to me, is kind of a
nonsensical statement.  Why the hell didn't they just say "the ride must
be open to all equines...."?? 

I make note of it as it indicates that, in fact, the current by-laws
weren't ALL that carefully drafted.

Orange County, Calif.

p.s. _I_ am actually more interested in Proposal 1, since I am being asked
to vote on a by-law that will actually restrict the activities of the AERC
in a way which I (and probably most of the membership) am totally unaware.

_I_ don't KNOW exactly what "organizations exempt from Federal income tax
under section 501(c)(3) of the Interneal Revenue Code of 1986....(or the
corresponding provision of ANY(!!!) future United States Internal Revenue
Law) are not permitted to do; however, I am being asked to vote to
disallow the AERC from doing these thing--and I don't even know what they

I do not consider this to be a trivial matter.  It is, as far as I know,
possible to be considered (for tax purposes) a "non-profit organization"
without being a "charitable organization."  The difference being that the
non-profit organization doesn't pay income taxes; while a charitable
organization allows its contributors to deduct their contributions from
their income taxes.

I actually don't think that the AERC IS a "charitable organization" but
actually think that it is an organization organized specifically to serve
its members (that isn't charity in my book), and I am not so sure that the
AERC ought to be jumping through those hoops.

Can somebody tell me if the AERC is currently a 501(c)(3) organization or
if it is currently trying to become a 501(c)(3) organization?

THIS issue needs to be discussed in MUCH more detail than the one about
the age limitations of endurance horses.

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