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AERC BYLAw Changes

membership. I =
>thought the proposed change in the bylaws making 6 the minimum age for =
>100's would be on the ballot clearly stated as such this fall or that =
>the issue would remain unchanged. (Feb 98 EN pg 49 possibly should have =
>given me some warning since the board opposed putting it to a membership =
>vote? The elected representatives don't trust the people's ability to =
>make a decision? Why don't you want us to vote on this?) 

Hi Jim:  Excellent post.  My feelings on the subject are that as a whole,
the general membership does not know enough to make an informed decision on
his matter.  Donna has presented some excellent points regarding doing 100
mile rides on 5 year old horses.  

I would like to see some evidence (perhaps the AERC can supply this?) that
shows that this is indeed a problem.  Do many 5 year olds actually do
100's, and if so, do they continue with their endurance career or are they
permenately harmed by doing a longer distance as a 5 year old.  Then, I
would also like to know - what about 6, 7, 8, or even 10 year old many older horses are taken on 100's that are not completely
prepared.  If perhaps more older horses are harmed by doing 100's because
they are not properly conditioned then maybe an educational program on
behalf of AERC would be more beneficial than changing the by-laws.  If we
care enough to try and protect a horse as a 5 year old, then why not one
that is older?  

The subject has come up before, and I received several private posts from
experienced riders telling me about horses that indeed did do their first
100 as a five year old and have continued to lead long, successful
endurance careers.  

I would not feel comfortable making a decision either way until I had more
information.  Is this really a problem?

Happy Trails,

in Gardnerville
AERC # 14149
& Weaver, 2005 miles
& Rocky, 700 miles

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