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AERC Bylaws Change Vote
The following is in answer, and a clarification, to Jim Mitchell's post
in ridecamp, part of which is listed below:
Jim wrote, in part:
I just read the proposed bylaw changes on page 46 of the Oct 98 EN. =
Proposal #3 eliminates the age requirements in our BYLAWS. The reason =
stated for this is so the board can modify the age requirements without =
a vote of the membership. If I were a cynical person (well maybe I am) =
then I would think the current AERC directors are making this change in =
response to their earlier attempt to=20
make 6 the minimum age for 100 mile rides. This rule was changed about 1
year ago (peg 13 June 97 EN effective 1998) but then somebody (Dane? ,peg
14 Sept 97 EN) reminded the board that the age was also in the BYLAWS =
and therefore could not be changed without a vote of the membership. I =
thought the proposed change in the bylaws making 6 the minimum age for =
100's would be on the ballot clearly stated as such this fall or that =
the issue would remain unchanged>>>>>
my response, and I only speak for myself:
This has been included in the Bylaws Change Vote as part of the LD Bylaws
Change. Under Bylaws Article V DEFINITIONS - Section 2, #3, it states
that "The ride must be open to all breeds and types of equines at least
48 months of age." If the membership votes to approve the Bylaws Change
making LD rides "0 to 49 miles", then the issue of 4 year old horses
competing in a 36 to 49 mile LD Ride becomes a factor. There was
discussion at the Mid Year Board Meeting that would require a horse
competing in a LD Ride from 35 miles to 49 miles to be at least 60 months
of age, but this required the Bylaws change on age.
This, in fact, had nothing to do with Donna Snyder Smith's attempt to
change the age from 5 to 6 for 100 mile rides. It had been proposed as an
addition to the Bylaws Change Vote (after having been previously turned
down by the Board), but was eliminated by vote. Also, I don't believe
any previous AERC Board approved a change of the age limits for 100 mile
Jim, there may be an argument that as individuals some of us are
"devious", but I can assure you that as a Board elected to represent you;
we are open, available, and attuned to the needs of our membership and I
don't believe anyone on the Board has intentionally done anything that
would adversely affect our membership.
BTW, for a Bylaws Change to be approved, it takes a **two thirds majority
approval of the ballots that are returned!*** That last statement is
very important because so few or our membership actually return their
ballots on any voting matter!!!! The consequences of changing the
definition of LD Rides to "0 to 49 miles" is grave. Although this motion
carried at the Mid Year Meeting, many Board members have reconsidered, as
I have. Personally, I think LD should remain at "25 to 35 miles" and
AERC needs to add some rule verbiage that eliminates any ride that is
"between 19 and 24 miles - and between 36 and 49 miles" from being held
at the same time and place as a sanctioned AERC Event. That allows the
legitimate "fun ride" to continue and eliminates a useless & potentially
harmful distance of 36 to 49 miles. It would, hopefully, eliminate the
unsanctioned LD Ride that some RM's call "24 miles".
Randy Eiland
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