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Conditioning for 100's

How do you condition for the 100's? I thought we were ready. My
horse has 1000 miles. She is in good enough shape to top ten
50's. We've done 2 multis ( a 5 day and a 2 day). Our 1st 100,
she burned out at mile 72. She had perfect scores all day. She
was eating and drinking at every opportunity. We averaged a 7
mph pace (usually 9-10 mph on a 50). What do I need to do to 
keep her going? I carbo load her and one thing that might have
happened was that she crashed before her next dose. I dosed
her after the pull, and by the end of the hour trailer ride home, she was
full of vim and vigor. Any suggestions?

Kris - I can't believe I want to try again

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