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Re: YIKES!!!

Coggins are good for a year in Kentucky and, I believe, Tennessee also.

Susan Swope
AERC SE Region

A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves -
strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us
escape from our mundane existence.
                                                     Pamela Brown, b. 1928

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>;
Date: Monday, October 05, 1998 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: YIKES!!!

>In a message dated 98-10-05 10:39:30 EDT, writes:
><< Yikes!!!  I thought Coggins were always good for one whole year.  In
>Virginia that was the case, however I have recently moved to Georgia.  Are
>they good for a year in Georgia?  I am going to a 50 mile ride in Augusta
>weekend and my Coggins is dated 3/1/98!!!  I might need to scramble for
>another in the next four days (in addition to getting a new tire for my
>trailer!) >>
>Don't know the answer to your question, but I DO know that in some states
>require everyone to get a Coggins (Texas does, from what I understand) they
>are good for a year for IN-state travel, but only 6 months for OUT-of-state
>travel.  Most of our western states don't require us to get a Coggins on
>our horses---it is only required for travel to other states.

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