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I have decided not to try to finish up Roshani's 2000 miles. I really
wanted her to win her medallion, but after having her go lame again, it
just doesn't seem worth it. She's 17 and has always done well for me, but
she has developed a problem (undiagnosed) with her right hind. She first
was lame at Camp Far West after a fast 25 miles - sound into the vet check,
and then wouldn't even rest the foot on the ground. She was sound the next
day, and I thought I had just gone too fast through some rocks. She
finished Hashknife with no problem (going very slow,) but was lame again at
the MLAHA ride at Robie in July. I planned to go slowly at Comstock, and
since it is a nice sandy, fairly level trail, I thought we could do it. I
was really conscientious about changing diagonals and didn't let her get
into her big trot, but she was uneven in her gait before the 15 mile mark.
She has never been lame during conditioning, so I think I will just retire
her. Her daughter will be 4 next year, has barely been started under
saddle, and is roly poly fat, so I do have some work to do. Long, slow
distance time for me. I just wanted all my friends to know why I won't be
seeing them out there on the rides for awhile. I'm sure going to miss the
rides though.
Dorothy & Roshani
Hi Tech Tack
Oroville, CA

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