ridecamp@endurance.net: looking for a horse

looking for a horse

Mon, 29 Dec 1997 06:10:37 -0800 (PST)

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From: jan freed
Email: dpfreed@webtv.net

Hello folks! Thanks to those of you who responded to my question about bottle-fed foals. I did not purchase the mare I went to look at but for reasons unrelated to being bottle raised. Thanks again for the interesting and varied responses!

I am currently horse shoppng and I had an ad under "horses wanted" with no response. A friend suggested that I go out on regular postings to see if someone has a horse for sale or standing around that really could use a good endurance home. I'm looking for a horse, preferably a mare (I know...geldings are "better") between 5-7 years of age. I'm in the Bakersfield, Ca area. I would like to find a horse that has done enough rides to prove itself but has been brought along correctly and I feel silly sayng this because I'm looking for the same horse everyone else is looking for. I want a potential 100 miler. I ride a lovely gelding now but he struggles to complete his slow 50s and isn't thriving on the work so I know he isn't the right horse to move up to 100s with. I'm hoping for a long-term relationship! I need a horse with good legs and a good mind. I'm 5'8" so prefer something 14'3 or bigger but.....I've been looking for several months now and driven more than 3000 miles
looking at horses. I'm sure the "right horse" is out there....any match-makers around? Thanks for any help. Please respond via e-mail at dpfreed@webtv.net.

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