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Subject: Re: CMO
Author: MIME:jdmilam@fwb=2Egulf=2Enet at UUCP
Date: 18/12/97 11:31
Cyndi wrote:
> Hi, just another lurker with a question=2E I've seen lots of stuff about=
> endurance and competitive riding but nothing about CMO - don't remember
> what it stands for but think it's competitive mounted orienteering???? I>=
think?? I have a friend who is doing it but wanted to check it out here>=20
because she seems to think she has to race her horse hard, and take
> chances with her horse's legs, soundness, etc=2E by racing thru
> brush/gullies etc=2E without really looking before she sends her horse
> thru it=2E And many of the other people in the club seem to be the same=2E=
> Is this normal for this type of riding or is it just this club?=20
It must be the club=2E Our CMOs are run by our local Arab Assn and safety=20
and fun are the priority here=2E CMOs came from a military exercise so in=20
war, yes you probably would take chances to "find the treasure" you=20
wouldn't normally take with your horse=2E Our CMOs are a great time, but=20
never at the risk of safety for you or your horse=2E
Find a different group putting them on=2E