ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Feedback on refund policy

Re: Feedback on refund policy

Truman Prevatt (truman.prevatt@netsrq.com)
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:06:58 -0500

>Terry Woolley Howe wrote:
>> 1. Should the rider get a full refund if they call and cancel at least
>> a week before the ride?

Yes except for some very nominal fee - like $10.00.

>> 2. Should the cost of the dinner be deducted if the rider called after
>> a dinner count was given to the caterer or person preparing food?
I feel that a small non-refundable pre entry fee - like $10. solves this

>> 3. If a lot of riders cancel just a day or two before the ride, should
>> the cost of the fee for an unneeded vet be proprated among the
>> cancelling riders and deducted from their fee?

I feel that a small non-refundable pre entry fee - like $10. solves this

>> 4. Should a portion of the entry fee be deducted based on how close to
>> the ride they cancel? (i.e. 50% the day before, 25% 4 days before, 10% a
>> week before, etc.)

I feel that a small non-refundable pre entry fee - like $10. solves this

>> 5. Do you think a rider who does not notify ride management at all, and
>> just does not show, should be entitled to a refund?

I feel that a small non-refundable pre entry fee - like $10. solves this

>> 6. If the entry does not state a refund policy, and you cancelled,
>> would you object if the ride management did not refund your entry fee?
>> Would that effect whether you attended that ride again?


>> 7. Do you think ride entries should be required to indicate a refund
>> policy?


I require a nomimal fee of $10.00 (non refundable) due a week prior to the
ride to pre entry. If you pre enter you get a $20.00 discount on the ride
fee over just showing up. The remainder of the ride fee is paid upon
arrival. So a noshow is out $10.00. I also feel that riders that pre enter
deserve a break in the price. I require the entry deposit because I have a
space limitation and may have to turn riders away. This is a problem at
the Biltmore for example and it is just not fair to riders that want to
ride. And at Million Pines, Wesley needs to know how many pine trees to go
cut down to get the extra parking.

I want a good count. I want to give the food people a good count so they
are not running to the grocery at the last minute and cooking their butts
off at the last minute. I want to have sufficient vets. There is nothing
worse than not having enough vets for the number of riders. So if 50 are
expected and 100 show, then you will wait in line at the checks. This is
not fair to the riders that notified ride management of their intent to

If I am within 10% of my estimated number I am happy, and there will be
situtations that arise - horse goes lame, truck breaks down, etc. But for
the most part people know a day or two in advance and ride mangement is
just a phone call away.


Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
The Rockman, a.k.a Misty Jr.
Jordy - Finaly getting his shot

Sarasota, FL

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