She asked one day if I might like to go ride with her sometime. Would
I?!! Early one Saturday morning and she perched me in a western saddle
up on Crystal... an Appy / QH type mare that a 5 yo could (and did)
ride. Good choice! Off down the trail we went at a nice easy trot.
A few minutes later she says "That might be easier if you post."
We did 10 miles that day and I was hooked.
Maryben is in no way responsible for my apparent addiction to TBs.
I've managed that one on my own. Luckily, she has the patience and
good sense of a true horsewoman.
Geez, we really need her to get better soon. Endurance rides here
in the West will be much too quiet without her.
:) - kat myers
in San Mateo (No.) Ca. with Magnum the TB ex-racer
"Joyfully staggering in whenever"