Re: Dried Yeast
Susan Evans Garlinghouse (
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:58:53 -0800 wrote:
> Sorry about the ghost post! My question about yeast is- what about all the
> wild yeasts that abound in the environment? Seems to me that horses probably
> eat lots of yeast just by grazing or eating hay! (My filly has been eating
> those tiny wild grapes lately after they have fallen off the vine- she has not
> become drunk so I assume that they have not been too altered by wild yeasts
> yet!) Any comments? -Amy
Different yeast strains live off of different types of food. The yeasts
you should be feeding a horse are the specific strains that will digest
the types of forage the horse has going through his GI system. Any wild
yeasts that can't/won't live off of those types of forage normally
passing through the gut simply die and pass out along with the rest of
the waste product.
Susan Garlinghouse