RE: Prefer Mares or Geldings?
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 08:45:46 -0500
In response to this, I disagree (mostly). Our 12 horses are kept on 24
hour a day, 7 day a week pasture board together. Mare and Gelding. (No
stallions of course) And we have no problems with fighting over
eachother. (each mare bonded with a male or two and the remaining males
have their bachelor heard.) And I have to say that while I do agree that
geldings are more personableand compliant, the mare that I ride the most
is the best trail horse in the herd. She never spooks (even when the
other horses do) and usually makes the best lead horse. She is very
responsive. I do agree that you have to work harder for there respect and
attention, (the little sluts just want to breed! :) ) but I find it to
be a greater reward than working with a gelding that will love anyone! (I
find mares to be single person oriented as opposed to most of the
geldings that barrel over each other to greet any human.)
"mares or geldings? I can only speak personally, but I think geldings
the way to go. Once a mare is introduced into the mix, you can expect
boys to get a little silly. As far as riding mares, my experience has
been good there either. Mine have always been more unpredictable and
finicky. The only time I've had trouble with a gelding is when he has
fallen in love with his female pasture mate. Even my stallion, who I
for several years in CT and some Endurance was more pleasant and
predictable than any mare I ever rode. Good Luck, Jan.
Karolyn, Sage, and Gretta
"Stop the World, I want to get on!"