Re: Lessons from the Sunland ride
Jackie Bumgardner (
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 07:49:51 -0800
>Posted-Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 19:34:13 -0800 (PST)
>Resent-Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 19:16:26 -0800 (PST)
>Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 19:06:55 -0800
>From: Lynne Glazer <>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Subject: Re: Lessons from the Sunland ride
>X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/3783
>Precedence: list
>And the riders seemed to all meet the challenge of what was, for us, a
>cold day which included wind and rain for the 50's last loop! Careful
>use of rump rugs and blankets, and long-unused rain gear on many of the
>riders, but not all! Some die-hards still had sleeveless T's.
>Heidi had a great group of helpers, for everything from traffic control
>on the narrow mountain road, to cooking up a great meal that was served,
>thankfully, indoors.
>It isn't every day that ridecamp is at a facility boasting $600/month
>board fees either!
>It got to be sort of fun to be asked why I wasn't riding and where was
>Ember, to reply that perhaps it wasn't a good choice for a first 50!
>We're looking forward to riding it next year, for the 25th annual event.
>We told each other so many funny stories during the lulls in P&Ring
>(that's a verb, isn't it?) that my stomach muscles are still sore today.
>And today it was "sports bra weather", with great footing from the
>rain--I was properly appreciative.
>We used to use the "@" pins Nick Warhol originated, to identify folks in
>the days. Good idea to get something going now. There were
>more than one ridecamper at yesterday's ride that lurks, ahem, like
>Teresa (who placed 10th), gotta get them out of the woodwork.
>Ridecamper Suzy Kelley won the 50, Kris Olko rode her TB mare to 8th
>place, and commented that she had a zillion people asking her about her
>mare's sore sides she'd asked for help with earlier in the week! Marcia
>Harmon got BC, is she a ridecamper?
>and Rem-member Me ("All cholla mapped and accounted for, let's get OUT
Jim and Jackie Bumgardner
Fire Mountain Arabians -Home of Sierra Fadwah+/(Fadjur + Judhi)
Race Training and Endurance/ Race bred horses for sale.