Lessons from the Sunland ride

Donna O'Gara (dlogara@concentric.net)
Sun, 16 Nov 1997 04:28:49 -0800

Lessons from the Sunland ride:

If you show up at a ride and introduce yourself as a jack of all trades,
willing to work, you'll be in charge of p&rs within 15 minutes

If you keep your reading glasses readily available, so you can find them
easily in the night, you'll find them in the morning with your knee.

When you kneel on your reading glasses, they make a loud crunching

If you go out to watch the shotgun start, the guy with the shotgun won't
show up.

If you wear your fuzzy blue bathrobe over your jammys to watch the
start, you'll be asked to help, and you'll find yourself standing in
front of the 25s, keeping them from starting until everybody's ready.
Wishing you had put on some real clothes.

If you get film for the camera and batteries for the radio, install them
ahead of time, or you may find yourself at the in-timer's table with a
roll of film and no camera, and a radio with dead batteries.

Ride-campers look just like everybody else. (could we get some way of
identifying ourselves? Hat? lapel pin? (not too many lapels at rides)
tattoo on forehead? something?)

If it starts getting cold at the finish line and you put on your nice
warm fuzzy blue bathrobe, it will start raining.

Fuzzy blue bathrobes aren't much good in the rain.

They put on a great dinner at Sunland.

Donna O'Gara