trot/canter in the mud

Laney Humphrey (
Sat, 15 Nov 1997 09:32:11 -0800

Glenda - Here is a guess. The canter gait has more suspension than the
trot. So he had more spring and jump at the canter which would get him
through the glop with fewer strides. Laney
BTW, for safety's sake (i.e., the horse's legs),I always slow down to a
walk going through anything wet or muddy, especially if it's more than 4"
>Today Lakota and I went mud-slogging (our only choice for riding after two
>days of pouring rain :), and I noticed that when we hit a patch of the
>really deep stuff (more than 4") he would speed up from trot to canter,
>then slow back down to trot when we got out of the deepest parts.
>Glenda & Lakota (25 down, 1000s to go!)