Re: Hoof Supplement

Susan Evans Garlinghouse (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 17:18:04 -0800

Lysane Cree wrote:
> Susan,
> Do you have any comments, ideas, etc. on feeding biotin less than
> once a day. Would it still be effective, only taking longer to have
> that effect? My vit./mineral supplement has some biotin in it already
> but he isn't necessarily taking that in every day and I think it is
> less than 15 mg.


Well, look at it this way. There hasn't been a specific study that
investigated exactly how biotin benefits the hoof growth process, but
biotin is one of the B vitamins and acts as a co-factor for several of
the enzymes in the metabolism of protein (such as keratin, the primary
protein that makes up horn, hair and hoof). If the coronary band is
busily synthesizing new hoof, and the biotin co-factor isn't available
right then, or in sufficient quantities, then protein synthesis is
probably going to be compromised to one extent of another. We already
know biotin doesn't increase the rate of protein synthesis, so most
likely, it's the quality of protein synthesis that's going to be

Does this really matter in the Big Picture? Well, if you imagine hoof
growth as successive layers, then in the micro-clinical sense,
yesterday's non-biotin layer could be a bit weaker than today's biotin
layer. My suggestion would be to supplement your vitamin mix so that
when you do feed them their extra goodies, they get 15-20 mgs. If your
horse has weak feet, you might try to figure out a way to get them their
biotin on a daily basis, though I know this just isn't always feasible.
If your horse already has decent feet and you're just trying for that
nice little added improvement, and/or you're just doing it because I
spend so much time on the list jumping up and down and yammering about
it, thereby hounding you into wondering if Old Pardner will drop dead if
you don't feed biotin, do feed rice bran and/or southwest-grown
alfalfa...well, don't worry about it. Half a dose every other day is
probably still better than none at all and most days, there are more
important things to lose sleep over. :-)


Oh and I checked the supplement for its Vit.C
> content and it has Ascorbic Acid--not the most effective one you had
> talked/written about one in other words....

Nope, that wasn't least, I don't think so, unless I'm now
writing in my sleep. Usually, I reserve total loss of memory and
snoozing in mid-sentence for Finals Week and thesis defense. If anyone
knows what post discussed Vitamin C, I'd like to go read it.

Susan Garlinghouse