Re: Sore sides
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 12:12:18 -0500 (EST)

Kristen L Olko wrote:
> Help me, please. My horse has started getting "sore sides" > Her back was
rinsed today and the pad cover was clean. I use a capful of > Woolite when
> but only a single rinse. Any ideas?


I have switched to the Bio-wash disks for all my laundry, including my saddle
pads. These disks use ionization to lift the dirt out - no soap. I thought
I was being stingy with the soap when I used to wash saddle pads, but the
first two times I washed these pads with the disks, the wash water was still
full of soap, leftover in the pads from previous washes. Yeech. I like the
disks because there is no chance of irritating the horse's back with a soap
product - one more thing I can rule out if there is a problem!

Alison Farrin