Thank you / To

Thu, 6 Nov 1997 13:03:13 -0600

Dear Sandy

Thank you for your apologie. You are obviously a good person. There is
truly no help for my spelling. Ya got to have a sense of humor about it.

After the e-mail I sent out last night to the ridecamp list (Let me know).
thought it would go to just subscribers. Boy, was I surprised. We were
bombarded with e-mail wondering why I was sending this out, and what was
ridecamp? (I can here all the little voices out there saying "couldn't
have happened to a better person") May you hope this never happens to you
all out there. Well, may be it did. As I told a few people, most of them
were very nice and just concerned. Felt it was necessary to try and get
back to most of them since they took the time to reply to the e-mail even
though they were not on the ridecamp list. There are still some wondering
soles out there.....

Thanks Sigrid


>Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 12:24:55 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Re: From the dislexic one / To
>I apologize to you personally and profusely. While our two daughters are
>struggling through an increasingly inept school system that seems to value
>self-esteem (which is earned, not bequeathed) more than education, my
>intention was not to insult the individual who has legitimate challenges, as
>do a number of children that I have worked with in this area. But for the
>rest of the population - myself included - it should be a matter of good
>example and self-esteem to keep the sloppiness-related errors to a minimum. I
>know that sometimes I don't check for that and when I get a reply, I juts
>about clinb under the desk, i find so many sloppy typos. I can hardly read it
>- and it puts me in mind of our school system that is teaching that this is
>a-okay, as long as one feels good about themself. Uffda! I surely did not
>mean to insult you and I apologize to you.