Re: Oleanders

Kim (
Mon, 03 Nov 1997 16:41:14 -0800

I know, this topic is getting beat into the bush (excuse the pun), but I
keep hearing different amounts cited regarding toxic levels for people.
So, for those who wanna know, I dug out some information from the
"Poisoning and Toxicology Handbook (1995-96)" by Jerrold B. Leikin, MD
and Frank P. Paloucek, PharmD, page 888 (Published by Lexi-Comp, Inc.,

"Toxic Dosage: Variable toxicity of leaves depending on growing
conditions and time of year; seven leaves have produced bradycardia,
nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps".

(For those unfamiliar, bradycardia is a slowing of the heart rate).

This is the toxic dose for humans... I remember munching on one or two
leaves as a kid (imitating some wild, plant-eating critter), and feeling
really sick that night... thank goodness I didn't swallow more than some
juice! However, it should be a concern for the organization if they do
intend on having kids around... as mentioned previously by Susan, money
cannot replace a lost life.

Hope I didn't ruin anyone's dinner!

Kim (and I eat EVERYTHING 'Lee)