Mike Sofen
> From: Carol Harrison <capape@worldnet.att.net>
> To: ridecamp-d@endurance.net
> Subject: Protein and assorted questions
> Date: Sunday, November 02, 1997 9:06 PM
> I searched the archives but really didn't find anything that directly
> answer my question, so I'll pose it to the group.
> Exactly what level of protein should an endurance horse be receiving? If
> I'm feeding a 14% crude protein pellet, what is the digestible protein?
> Does an endurance horse running for top 10 need a different level than a
> horse in turtle position?
> While I am in an inquisitive mood here are a couple of other questions
> a newbie, can't you tell). What is the best care for the leather on my
> sportsaddle? Is the waterproofing mink oil ok? Can anyone tell me more
> about sponsorships? Are they only for those going for top ten or can a
> fast turtle on a multiday ride get them?
> OK, I'll stop for now so my inquisitive mind doesn't explode when I get
> answers.
> Happy Trails,
> Carol and Electric Shack (aka Dakota--who'd rather remain a pasture
> potatoe)