ridecamp@endurance.net: adequan and CS/GS
adequan and CS/GS
becky glaser (eglaser@bigbasin.com)
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 10:50:17 -0800 (PST)
I can't resist de-lurking here--it may benefit a horse or two. I have had
my horse Tio Tito on the above for most of his endurance career, He gets
the CS/GS
supplements daily, adequan once a month and also 2-3 days before a race. I
also feed MSM daily. This horse doesn't have arthritis that I am aware of,
and he has placed in the West region top ten for the last six years. I have
used this regimen as a preventive. It takes two years of training and
competing to know if you have a good horse or not. It is difficult to
know, without this time investment, whether an animal has the wherewithal
to be competitive. After conditioning a horse well and providing the best
nutrition you can--there is a large element of luck in finding an animal
that likes to go and can stay sound. Once you find such a critter it is
well worth the investment required to keep him going down the trail.
As equine sports go, endurance riding is cheap. But if you wish to do it
well, there are prices to be paid financially as well as in other respects.
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