I know of a lady here in Phoenix with 10 horses of her own who have been
on NOTHING but pellets for almost 12 years now...no colics, no health
problems, no chokes. She has raised several beautiful foals, also on
nothing but pellets....there isn't a piece of hay on the place. And
amazingly enough, no one paces, weaves, cribs or anything else.
I have fed pellets off and on for 10 years, mostly in the winter when
hay gets so high, and the only problem I have ever had was with one
yearling who choked...after working on him for several hours, I finally
gave up and called the vet.....well the booger led me on a merry chase
around the pasture right before the vet arrived, and dislodged the
pellet.....I asked the vet why she didn't tell me to chase him around
the pasture, would have saved me a vet call <G>
I did have an older mare who would eat her own manure when fed only
pellets. Vet said it was harmless, but I thought it was nasty anyhow...
I think as long as the horses have something to chew on.....a few pounds
of grass hay or even clean straw, they will be fine.